Alvin Beadles – Update #12



Today was moving day! The word came that Dad was being graduated from ICU and into a regular room. So they packed him up and he was off like a herd of turtles. He walked about 150 yards and refused all offers to quit. That’s the Dad I know.

You have wept while we wept. Now, rejoice as we rejoice.

Alvin Beadles – Update #11

Most of the Dad’s mental fog has cleared and as expected, he is squarely facing the reality of his situation. If just plain tired were Oklahoma, he’s somewhere around El Salvador. Apparently spending 10 days at the doorway of death takes it out of a guy.

His body systems seem to be cooperating to a degree that allows the Professionals to talk about him being graduated from ICU very soon, then going home someday. We don’t press for a guess. We’re just excited they are increasingly convinced he will actually leave through the front doors instead of the back.

You honor us by sharing our burden. May the Lord be pleased to give Dad a strong and stable blood pressure, the ability to walk unassisted and lungs free of staph pneumonia.

Alvin Beadles – Update #10

IMG00038The last 36 hours have proved incredible for Dad. The picture says it all. Finally able to eat, but those who know him can see the mental fog in his countenance.

He is beginning to connect the dots, though he sometimes thinks he’s in New York or it’s time to bale hay. All of this is temporary and expected.

We have definitely turned a corner, yet more corners remain to be turned. May the Lord be pleased to even out his body systems such that the remaining IV medications may be discontinued. This must happen before he can be graduated from ICU.

Alvin Beadles – Update #9

IMG_0419Today has been amazing. Early this morning, the Lord mercifully allowed Dad’s ventilator to be removed and he’s held his ground all day. May the Lord be pleased to allow him to continue to strengthen and to be finished with the ventilator for good.

Given the fragility of this transition, the staff are understandably limiting our contact with Dad and discouraging visitors for a short while. We don’t want to flood the carberator again.

When awake, he is understandably confused at times, but overall we can see the real Alvin Beadles beginning to shine through.

I’m so proud of Dad, but even prouder of Mom. Through all, she has maintained a faithfulness to Dad and Jesus that can’t be faked. She’s tougher by half than the rest of our family.

Please pray that Dad would continue to improve, beat pneumonia and feel comforted by Jesus as he struggles through the mental fog.

Alvin Beadles – Update #8

IMG_0417Dad got winched into a chair again today and tolerated it well for about 9 hours. I think he is aware of the change, and if so, believe this encourages him tremendously.

Seeing this picture hopefully allows you to be encouraged in your prayers. He is slowly, slowly improving. It also shows how sick he remains. Those blue tubes and the attached machine behind his head (ventilator) need to go bye bye. May the Lord be pleased to strengthen his lungs to an extent that makes this possible. None of the medical staff posit guesses on time; they are solely focused on winning.

Heather (my wife) took me to downtown OKC for dinner and a trip thru the Bass Pro Shop. It was great being with her but I got all emotional thinking about memories made with Dad in that part of town and how much fun he would have watching his grandkids stare at the fish in the store. I bet if the Doctors did a ManScan on me they’d discover I’m sprouting ovaries.

We are winning, but this is a game of inches. You honor us with your prayers for Dad’s recovery and our family’s strength. May the Lord give us the grace to daily and intentionally place Dad’s life in his hands.