Talk about Tough

I knew Glen was a tough dude when we served together in the U.S. Army. Now I have a renewed respect as he is the only guy I know to survive being shot 17 times – that’s right 17 – with an M16.

Perhaps you should thank the Lord that He makes men like this, who serve to protect us all.

John Piper’s Talking Points

“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” – Jesus Christ

1. Existing fetal homicide laws make a man guilty of manslaughter if he kills the baby in a mother’s womb (except in the case of abortion).

2. Fetal surgery is performed on babies in the womb to save them while another child the same age is being legally destroyed.

3. Babies can sometimes survive on their own at 23 or 24 weeks, but abortion is legal beyond this limit.

4. Living on its own is not the criterion of human personhood, as we know from the use of respirators and dialysis.

5. Size is irrelevant to human personhood, as we know from the difference between a one-week-old and a six-year-old.

6. Developed reasoning powers are not the criterion of personhood, as we know from the capacities of three-month-old babies.

7. Infants in the womb are human beings scientifically by virtue of their genetic make up.

8. Ultrasound has given a stunning window on the womb that shows the unborn at eight weeks sucking his thumb, recoiling from pricking, responding to sound. All the organs are present, the brain is functioning, the heart is pumping, the liver is making blood cells, the kidneys are cleaning fluids, and there is a fingerprint. Virtually all abortions happen later than this date.

9. Justice dictates that when two legitimate rights conflict, the limitation of rights that does the least harm is the most just. Bearing a child for adoption does less harm than killing him.

10. Justice dictates that when either of two people must be inconvenienced or hurt to alleviate their united predicament, the one who bore the greater responsibility for the predicament should bear more of the inconvenience or hurt to alleviate it.

11. Justice dictates that a person may not coerce harm on another person by threatening voluntary harm on themselves.

12. The outcast and the disadvantaged and exploited are to be cared for in a special way, especially those with no voice of their own.

13. What is happening in the womb is the unique person-nurturing work of God, who alone has the right to give and take life.

14. There are countless clinics that offer life and hope to both mother and child (and father and parents), with care of every kind lovingly provided by people who will meet every need they can.

15.Jesus Christ can forgive all sins, and will give all who trusts him the help they need to do everything that life requires.

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Pick up Your Own Trash

I thought persons attending the coronation of Obama cared deeply about the environment and waste. Here’s a tip: Pick up your own trash and place it in an appropriate container!

Contrast the above picture with the following quote regarding the state of the National Mall after being used at the Promise Keepers rally in 1997: “After the rally, the Promise Keepers unveiled a garbage management system that impressed National Park Service managers. ‘They went through and bagged everything,’ said Gerry Gaumer, deputy site manager for the Mall, who said he had never seen another group leave it as clean after a big event.” Read the whole story here.

Food for thought.

The Power of the Pause

Nick uses humor and voice modulation well. Perhaps most effective is his marvelous use of the p   a   u   s   e. Using it well increases your effectiveness exponentially.

Speaking When You Don’t Feel Like It


In 1985 my left shoulder was broken while playing football. This injury occurred at the same time I was scheduled to compete in several speech contests with the National FFA Organization. Needless to say, I didn’t feel like speaking. I was sporting a 28 pound cast on a 130 pound body and couldn’t wear a shirt.

Thankfully, my Dad made me speak anyway. I learned more about myself from those experiences than if I’d sat out because things weren’t perfect.

The situation will never be perfect; speak anyway. You will never speak as well as you think you should; speak anyway. You will be ill on the appointed day; speak anyway. Adversity will improve you.